(Viz. také predikce Radiožurnálu 4.1.2011; http://www.novinky.cz/ekonomika/222657-cesko-postihla-nejhorsi-neuroda-ovoce-za-poslednich-20-let.html; ?Růst cen průmyslových výrobců v listopadu podle informací ČSÚ zrychlil z říjnové ...
Macleod was initially skeptical, but eventually agreed to let Banting use his lab space while he was on vacation for the summer. He also supplied Banting with ten dogs to experiment on, and two medical students, Charles Best and Clark ...
Macleod was initially skeptical, but eventually agreed to let Banting use his lab space while he was on vacation for the summer. He also supplied Banting with ten dogs to experiment on, and two medical students, Charles Best and Clark ...